"Kahramaa" Takes Over Regulation of District Cooling Services in the Country

Kahramaa Becomes the Regulatory Authority for District Cooling Services in Qatar

The Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa) has announced that it has become the regulatory authority for district cooling services in Qatar under Cabinet Law No. 19 of 2024. This law establishes the regulatory framework for these services and grants Kahramaa the authority to set appropriate rules for their provision in alignment with the country’s general policies and strategies.

According to a statement by Kahramaa, district cooling services involve the production, distribution, and sale of cooling energy using chilled water by licensed entities such as service providers and retail sellers. A district cooling service provider is an entity licensed to establish or operate district cooling networks or provide these services for personal use, resale to other sellers, or supply to subscribers within a specific area. Meanwhile, a district cooling retail seller is an entity licensed to provide or sell these services directly to consumers in the same area.

Kahramaa aims to enhance the quality of district cooling services by studying and defining service areas, allocating necessary routes for the construction and maintenance of cooling networks, and setting standards to ensure quality and protect subscriber interests. The corporation is also conducting studies to support the sector, determining technical specifications to implement best global practices in service delivery, and handling complaints and disputes between licensees and subscribers.

Under the law, no district cooling system may be established or operated without obtaining a license from the relevant authority. The license is granted for 15 years, with a renewable period of five years. License holders are also required to install meters and necessary devices at energy transfer stations to measure cooling consumption in accordance with specified standards.

The law prohibits the use of desalinated drinking water for district cooling services. Additionally, subscribers must take necessary measures to protect cooling service equipment from damage or tampering.

District cooling services are considered a sustainable solution that helps reduce electricity and water consumption, conserves gas used in power plants, and contributes to lowering carbon dioxide emissions.

Source: Al-Sharq News

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